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      Welcome to Jinniu electric
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      Metal Oxide Varistors Routine Testing
      Time:2022-08-17 17:10:24View count:

      IEEE and IEC arrester standards require  100% of production output be tested to  ensure all products meet manufacturer  published values. Hubbell manufactures  surge arresters in their ISO 9001 and  14001 certified facilities. Critical tests  mandated by these standards include  verifying residual voltage, reference  voltage, partial discharge and power-loss.  Other tests may be applicable dependent  on the design, such as seal leak rate  for hollow core arresters and current  distribution for multi-column arresters.  

      Residual Voltage 

      The residual voltage of each MOV block  is measured at 5 or 10 kA, with an 8/20  waveshape. Fully assembled arresters  are characterized by the summation of  the individual residual voltages for each  MOV block. This test is critical to ensure  the arrester yields manufacturer claimed  protective levels.  

      Reference Voltage 

      This test is performed at the  manufacturer declared reference current  (Iref) and ensures the turn on voltage of  the arrester. This test ensures the arrester  is built with a sufficient volume of MOV  block to meet manufacturer declared  overvoltage and energy claims.  

      Partial Discharge 

      This test is performed at 1.05 x MCOV  after voltage is raised to 1.25 x MCOV  and applied for at least 2 seconds.  The internal partial discharge rate is  measured and must not exceed 10 pC.  It is permissible to shield the external  connections. 

      Power Loss 

      This test is performed at 1.25 x MCOV for  distribution arresters and 1.20 x MCOV for  intermediate and station arresters. The  test ensures the power loss through an  arrester is within a manufacturer specified  range. This value can be useful for future  inspection and monitoring methods. 

      Seal Leak Rate 

      This test is performed on hollow core  type arresters that retain at least 10%  of their volume in the form of gas.  Applicable arresters are tested to ensure  the quality of the arrester seal. Jinniu  utilizes a helium-mass spectrometer  test to validate the arrester’s seal is  appropriate.  

      Current Sharing 

      Arresters that are comprised of two or  more parallel columns of MOV blocks  shall be tested to confirm the critical  current is within tolerances specified by  the manufacturer. This test is performed  with a switching or lightning impulse.  Jinniu mandates all columns within  a multi-column arrester have a current  sharing tolerance within 5%, unless  stricter tolerances are required for  the application. 28

      MOV Testing 

      Additional tests are performed on MOV  blocks according to Hubbell internal  engineering specifications. These tests  are not mandated by any standard but  are deemed critical by Jinniu to ensure  superior performance. This includes  both routine and batch quality assurance  testing. Additional details on testing  include: MOV routine tests ? Visual inspection – Verifies no defects  are present which are considered  unacceptable.  ? Rated energy – Each block receives  multiple high energy square wave  impulses. Each block has a rated  energy based on the defined J/cc for  the block diameter and height.  ? Discharge voltage – 8/20 μs impulse  which characterizes every block with  a corresponding residual voltage.  This measured value is referenced  when assembling multiple blocks into  complete arresters. ? AC test – Measures Vref, power loss  and capacitive current on each block MOV batch QA tests ? Square wave energy test –  Destructive test which subjects the  material to high energy discharges.  This test characterizes the rated  energy of the batch.  ? High current test – Subjects MOV  blocks to two impulses at the defined  high current rating. Residual voltage  must be within manufacturer defined  limits after testing.  ? Life test – Accelerated aging test  performed at elevated temperature  while power loss is monitored. The  final power loss shall be less than or  equal to the initial value.  ? A.C. test – Verifies various  a.c. characteristics are within  manufacturing limits.

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