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      Welcome to Jinniu electric
      Service Hotline:Lynn:+86 13273771392 Joe:+86 18737713145
      Jsy-10 counter
      Product Description


      JS8 and js8a discharge counters (hereinafter referred to as counters) are connected in series under the arrester to record the number of actions of the arrester. JS8 is brave in 6kv-220kv voltage level. Js8a valve type arrester with the courage of 330kV and above voltage level. The environmental conditions of the place of use are the same as those of the connected arrester. The altitude is not more than 4000 meters, and the ambient temperature is - 40 ℃ - + 40 ℃. It is not suitable for the place with serious corrosion of metal and insulating parts, serious pollution and violent vibration.

      structure and performance 

      The discharge counter is mainly composed of valve piece, silicon bridge rectifier, capacitor, electromagnetic counter and other components. It uses the energy (impulse current and power frequency current) passing through the arrester to take the voltage on the valve piece (non-linear resistance), charge the capacitor in one way through the silicon bridge rectifier, and discharge the coil of the electromagnetic counter with DC to make the counter suck once, recording once To record the number of actions.

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