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      Bem-vindos à Jinniu Electric.
      Informa??es de contacto:Joe: +86 18737713145
      Centro de Notícias
      Centro de Notícias
      Centro de Notícias
      Jinniu Electric November Staff Conference and Commendation Conference
      Tempo:2020-12-13 13:51:20Tempo de navega??o:

      On the morning of November 4, 2020, the company held a November staff meeting in front of the office building, and all employees participated in the meeting. This conference summarized the work situation in October. While summarizing the operating conditions in October, the company commended the winners of the company’s internal essays, invention patent acquisition and county employee skill competitions, and the company’s work in November Focus on planning.

      Manager Huang of the Production Department summarized the work situation of the workshop in October


      The company commends the winners of the county employee vocational skills competition

           In this employee vocational skill competition, our company Wang Wanzhu won the first place in electric welder type, and Lu Desong won the third place in forklift type.


      The company commends outstanding staff for essays for double festivals and sports games

           Taurus employees actively participated in the essay solicitation activities, and many excellent articles emerged. While enjoying the joy of the Taurus Electric Games and expressing congratulations on the "Double Festival", the article also expressed sincere wishes for a stronger motherland and a happier life for the people.


      Chairman Huang Hai commended and delivered a speech to patent personnel

           Mr. Huang fully affirmed the contributions of all invention patent personnel to the company, and described two important characteristics of the development of Nanyang Jinniu Electric Co., Ltd. One is that Jinniu Electric is a learning enterprise that continuously learns, and the other is Jinniu Electric is a continuous innovation and innovation. Type enterprise. These two characteristics determine Jinniu Electric's continuous progress, continuous development and growth.


      国产自卫 香蕉 久久,国产品对白在线38年香蕉精品,成年网站免费视频网站,色五月婷婷在线观看
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